New Kid On The Block
It's official, I have been out for 6 weeks aka I am into my second transfer! Ah I'm growing up SO fast haha ;)
Our last district photo outside an A&W... so full of class. Sister Colvin, Sister Wester, Sister Williams, Me, Elder Thompson (district leader), elder Ashton (zone leader), Elder Jones, Elder Johnson (zone leader.) ->note the nice gap between elder thompson and I... elders have cooties hahaha |
So the BIG news is that I have been transfered! I am now in Oakville with Sister Ogdan. Oakville is still in the Hamilton stake, its supper nice and right by one of the great lakes, AND our area covers a little of Missassagua, but not Grandma and Grandpa Davidsons area :(. Sister Ogdan is as sweet as the day is long! Oh my she is just so kind and loving! She's from Utah and this is her 3rd transfer. I'm excited to work with her and experience what the work is like here in Oakville. I will, however miss my dear sister Williams AND The Mountain to bits!! Oh my gosh I am SO sad to leave Hamilton, buuuuuttt I know the Lord has put me in Oakville for a reason.
P.S. They white washed us out of Hamilton!!! The Nerve! haha.... but seriously, president -_-
So now that we have established how seasoned I am out here in the mission field, I wanted to share some of the things I have learned these past 6 weeks on the "Mountain" with Sister Williams
-Faith is SO important! If you do not have faith that the Lord will put someone in your path or dont have the faith that you can baptize, it just wont happen. That being said, what you want is not always what the Lord has planned for you. Heavenly Father knows best. Trust in Him and council Him on everything you do.
-Do not role down a hill with keys in your pocket
-Be grateful for the trials the Lord gives you. "The gospel is ment to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted." Whenever we are given a trial it is because we are ready to be molded into the kind of person God envisions us to be. It is because He knows we are strong enough to handle it and He trusts us.
-Do not go about waiting for happiness to come. Enjoy the journey, pot holes and all.
-Understanding the Faximilies of Abraham..... not important at this time in my life
-When you say something stupid on a mission the spirit is there to back you up. When you say something stupid at home, its just stupid. In other words open your mouth and talk with everyone and Heavenly father will make up for your downfalls.
These are just a few of the things I have learned this transfer so far and just think, its only been 6 weeks!!
As for my last week on the mountain I had some truly wonderful experiences
This is the Pulsipher family. They are SO awesome! both of them used to be missionaries out here in Ontario so they were always really good about us using their house for lessons |
The Gallicher family! I love these guys and their awesome back yard |
The Hillman fam Jam! She was my second mom out here always looking out for me and making me candy yams..... sooooo good! You know they love me too because I smelt strongly of camp fire haha! Nicole their oldest daughter went out teaching with sister Williams and I a bunch and she will be preparing to go on a mission pretty soon here; she is going to be a stellar missionary! |
Experience number 1
Sister Williams and I finally talked to Tarzan aka Jay! Ok so every Sunday on the way out of Church, Sister Williams and I see this guy walking home from the gym. He has wicked long hair, is always in sweats and a tank top AND HAS THE BIGGEST BUTT I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! It has been our hope and dream to share the gospel with this man and this week it happened! We were driving home after giving service and on the horizon I see this long flowing hair and a giant butt so what do Sister Williams and I do??? Pull over immediatly and jump out of the car to intercept him on the side walk. So we do just that, we pull over onto a side road and run to the main street where we "casually" walk towards Tarzan. We then ask him some questions and he drops a couple F bombs and hucks a lugie on the ground..... BAHAHAHAHA Oh my gosh Sister Williams and I nearlly died laughing! Not at all what we expected, but he said he would share the gospel message with a guy he sees at the gym all the time.
Experience #2
This is the family the stole my heart =) they are the ones who think I am normal haha. This is just after we roasted smores. |
We finally had the chance to have dinner at Lindsey's house aka the part member less active family that thinks I'm normal! It was SO much fun! She made us the best tacos I have ever had! We helped her make dinner and joked around with the kids. She showed us her house and we talked a little about what mission life is like (she asked us tons of questions!) After dinner we started talking a little about the gospel, Price had never really talked with her about the gospel or Joseph Smith (guy, what have you been doing!) So we sat down with the family and explained what prophets were, who Joseph Smith was and what the Book of Mormon is. It was SO sweet! As I recited the first vision, the spirit was so strong and Price grabed Lindseys hand. It is just so touching to see how bad Price really wants this for his family, even though he is not living the gospel right now, I can see its something he wants to start doing. And their kids are so good! Connor their youngest boy really likes church and praying. We talked about how to pray and asked him how he feels when he prays and he said he feels nervous at first but after he feels good. Then we asked him if there was anything he wanted to ask God, and he said he would like to know if He is real. So we invited him to pray right there to know, and it was just the sweetest thing I ever did see! At the end of the lesson we invited Price and Lindsey to read the Book of Mormon together, to pray and come to church. Lindsey was all for reading but doesnt know if she is ready to pray yet. After the lesson we went into the back yard and they had us roast smores and even invited us to go set of fireworks with them. (ya I was confused too, fireworks?!) Unfortunately I had to to put off the natural man and say no to the fireworks... ah growing up can be so hard sometimes. Saying good bye to Lindsey was really hard, she kept saying how comfortable she felt around us and how she would love to make dinners a weekly thing, but I know that these new sisters are meant to teacher her and that they are just what she needs. We exchanged emails though and told her to let us know when she prays for the first time :) This is definitely a family I would come back to see!
Line of the Week:
So brother Peters takes Sister Williams and I to a place called the Magrine to eat. It is an all you can eat chines food buffet. Once we had filled up our plates with food, Sister Williams looks down at my plate and then up at me with a quisical look on her face and this was my response:
"I made a special effort not to get anything ethnic..."
my plate was full of meat, mashed potatoes, and gravy
Scripture of the Week: 2 Nephi 26:24-25
**Jill could you please type those out :)
"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall now partake of his salvation.
Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price."
Transfer calls
Change is Good?
Well I am excited to know what Heavenly Father has in store for Sister Ogdan and I out here in Oakville! Say your prayers and read every day!
Love Sister Halla
P.S. Ill try and get my new mailing address to you as soon as I can
This is the letter my dad wrote me.... he is just the cutest!! I about died laughing and then my heart melted just a little |
This picture is glorious and if you want to look up perfect timing in the dictionary this picture would be there. elder thompson and elder jones after being shut down hard by those 2 old ladies hahaha! |
Look who I ran into at transfers! Elder Campbell... still tall as ever :) |
Look who I ran into at transfers! Elder Fox!!! |