Another great week in the Kingdom folks!
So this week has been a busy one like all the others and we're facing new challenges like always.
Question of the Week!
How do you explain to an 80 year old that they must be humble and submissive like a child!? We are having a hard time teaching Sammy right now, see Sammy is pretty old and is fairly set in his ways. When sister Rogers and I try and teach him he tends to be more argumentative than anything. For example Sammy asked if babies shouldnt be baptized, then at what age should they be. We explained to him about the revelation given to Joseph Smith on the age of accountability being 8 years old and he disagreed with us.... his reasoning being that one time he thought he read an article in a religious magazine about the age actually being 7...... -_- We have no idea what to do about this. Sammy will never understand the gospel if he keeps his mind closed and these blinders on. Plus it's really hard to teach and feel the spirit when he is coming up with all these obscure reasons why something isnt true.
My thoughts about teaching a family before I had taught one: "Man, that would be SO much fun and SOOOOOOO easy! :D"
My thoughts after teaching families: "Heeelllp meeeeeeee!"
Haha so I've learned the valuable lesson that while teaching a family is one of the most rewarding experiences on a mission, it is also one of the MOST difficult. This little gem came to my attention after Chauncey (age 8) fell asleep in one of our lessons. Sister Rogers and I have now taken to using big hand actions and funny voices when reading the scriptures with the girls... sometimes they look at us like we are crazy, but at least they arent asleep right?! Haha one particularity fond moment was when we were reading in 1 Nephi 1:6. This is where Lehi is praying and suddenly there is a pillar of FIRE!!!! (cue sound effects and wild hand motions!) While this tactic of getting their attention may seem flawless, we are a little worried that they will soon get board of our sound effects and cool voices so if anyone has some good ideas for teaching children with objects and such send them Oakvilles way :)
While tracting this week I came across the holy grail of lawns! Oh my goodness Dad, I could have sworn the grass was fake, in fact I actually asked the guy if I could touch his grass to make sure it was real! It was perfectly manicured, emerald green and perfectly cut without a blade out of place. The first thought that came to my mind was, "This must be what the grass looks like in the celestial kingdom!" I figured I had best learn from Walter what he did to get his grass like this so I could pass the information on to you.
The Formula of Celestial Grass By Walter
1. Mow you lawn 3 x a week WITH an old school lawn mower
2. Water frequently with water
3. Make a concoction of beer, listerine, and coke (but not moms diet coke, the Real stuff) and pour on lawn
..... I cant remember the rest... he caught me off guard with that last one
Anyways, that's all for now!
Line of the week:
Me in utter amazement: "Is your grass real?!"
Walter: "Sure is!"
Me: "... I dont know if I believe you.... can I touch your grass?"
Walter: "Haha, sure!"
Me: "... oh my gosh.... sister Rogers, it is real!"
Rogers: 'No way! Let me feel!"
Scripture of the week: D&C 6:20
"...Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."
A Haiku For You
righteousness prevails
God Loves You
Sister Hall