Tuesday 5 November 2013

Two Peas In A Pod

Two Peas In A Pod

So I've got some big news...... I'M STAYING IN KINGSTON!
->cue the happy dance :)
Actually our whole apartmentship is staying the same which is grrrreeeaaaat!

News from Oakville!
FIONA GOT BAPTISED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost squealed with excitement! Ah, I remember the first time Sister Rogers and I knocked on her door some 8 odd weeks ago :) I feel so blessed to have had the privilege of teaching her and am overjoyed that she chose to get baptised! Missions seriously rock!

Shout out!!!
Happy Birthday Tyson! Your hockey team (still -J) sucks and you are going on a cruise without me!

As for our week, my cheeks are hurting from smiling so much haha we are seriously spoiled out here! There is no way that the mission can get better than this!

So to start off I want to tell you about our newest investigator named Dieter..... that's right ,we are teaching the next apostle! But like seriously he is going to be a prophet one day! So Dieter is a referral from Steph, who is seriously one of my favorite people to take teaching! She has been a member for a little less than a year, is putting in her papers to go on a mission AND is an incredible member missionary.... but like seriously where ever she goes she will tear it uppppp! Anyways so Dieter came to church last sunday. We talked with him a lot and gave him a Book of Mormon.... By Tuesday he had read ALL of 1 Nephi.... Who is this guy!? Also he bought us shirts. Can he get any better?!

Winnie and Jake are doing amazing :) they are both incredible and have actually started hanging out with each other! Say What?! This is actually the coolest thing ever and every missionary’s dream; to have their investigators become friends! A.K.A I am living the dream right now.

Winnie had some pretty cool experiences this week... well actually both Winnie AND Jake had some way cool experiences this week but I will start off with Winnie.

First of all I want to say that God really does answer prayers. Earlier in the week we had been talking with Winnie about her baptism and she raised some concerns about how her social life might change and confessed that she still felt tempted to drink when she went to parties (all legitimate concerns that we were very happy she brought up). I left that meeting feeling like Winnie still wasn't settled on the matter.
->fast forward a few days
We got a text on Saturday from Winnie telling us she would love to see us but that we would have to meet her at her house because she wasn't feeling very well. So we head over to Winnie's house and we are all sitting down and I ask her why she isn't feeling very well. She then confesses to us that she had her first drink last night in 3 weeks. She then looked at us with her big eyes and exclaimed that the weird thing was that it tasted SO bad!
->hahahahaha! I love it when Heavenly Father answers prayers!
 She continued to tell us that she felt sick the whole night and still felt like crap.. she couldn't even eat anything.
I had the biggest simile on my face as I explained to her that God has a wonderful way of answering our prayers. I told her that this was her sign from God that the Word of Wisdom is indeed one of his commandments and that he wants her to live it :)

Winnie was trying to explain how she felt so she drew me a picture.... I still don't get it.

Now onto Jake. Oh man, Jake never ceases to amaze me!
So I honestly do not know where to begin when it comes to this guy. For a while we have strongly felt impressed that we need to commit Jake to a baptismal date and that we would both see him baptized. Now the first time we committed Jake to a baptismal date was last week. We asked him if he would get baptized and he said he would buuuut not for a while... I jokingly said that we were thinking of a year from now and Jake got all excited and said "Ya that's doable!". I then laughed and said something along the lines of, "Ya right Jake! We feel impressed that in a month from now on November 24th you will be ready for baptism:)"
Jake did his nervous laugh and said no way.
But we were not discouraged because Jake is seriously one of the most prepared people I have ever met on my mission and the best part about it is he has no idea how elect he really is :)
Anyways so we are in a lesson with Jake and we are talking a little about some of his concerns. To be completely honest I'm not quite sure how it happened but the next thing I know Sister Waal, who was teaching with me, is telling Jake that the reason why he is feeling guilty is because he has already received his answer from God- that this is His church, that the word of wisdom is His commandment, and that He wants Jake to be baptised. WOW! Jake is a little taken aback. Sister Waal continues to inform Jake that he has some praying to do in regards to baptism. <- man I love her haha
At the end of the lesson we challenged Jake to pray about being baptized on November 24th and he agreed. We reassured him that God does want him to get baptized and that God will answer his prayers and to be on the look out for his answers. Later that night we got a text from Jake saying that he had finally let his mom know that he was wanting to get baptized. His mom told him that she loved him no matter what and supported him in his decision. His sister has agreed to have the missionaries over to learn more about the church. Needless to say Jake has received his answer and will be getting baptized on November 24th.

I seriously love this work. I have never been happier in my life than I have been out here helping people to receive the gospel and the eternal joy and peace that comes with it. This is God's work and nothing and no one will get in the way of it. He is so aware of his children's concerns and will and does answer their prayers if they are true and humble seekers of their answers.

Winnie and Jake! They are going to get baptised TOGETHER on November 24th! Nothing like working towards eternal life with God with a good friend!

I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who sees fit to bless me with such amazing people in my life like Winnie, Jake, Dieter, and Jess. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

YOSO! (you only serve once!)

Line of the Week:
In Jake’s lesson while talking about the Word of Wisdom (Jake was conflicted about giving up alcohol and his roommates Nick and Affrotastic were playing the devils advocate all week trying to convince him this was stupid)  

Nick The Agnostic friend sitting in on the lesson who had been saying for a week that Jake shouldn't stop drinking: "Jake you obviously want to give this a try so just do it!"

Sister Waal: "Ok Jake if you are looking for a sign that this is something God wants you to do, you just got it! Your Agnostic friend is telling YOU to quit drinking!"

Scripture of the Week: Alma 44: 4
"Now ye see that this is the true faith of God; yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion; and never will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith."

A Haiku for YOU:
Look forward
Steadfast faith in Christ
don't look back

Sister Hall

Sister HALL and I dressing up on Halloween!

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