Harvest Update!
Right now we are at 28 baptisms for June
We have about 54 Investigators with a baptisimal date for June 23 and 36 for June 30th
We will need to average about 16 or so baptisms a week now to reach our goal. Pretty exciting Eh!
Now for this week. Phew! It was been a good old hard week! Lots of working and talking :)
Let's start off with some highlights
-Sammy came to church!!!!!!!!!! Haza for Israel! Oh my gosh we have been trying to get Sammy to church for AGES!!! Problem is he doesnt drive and he refuses a ride from everyone. Luckily Sister Taylor is as stubborn as Sammy and wouldn't take no for an answer :D. We are hoping this week to set him with a baptismal date for June 30th
-I Got a certain someones wedding invitation! FINALLY! And can I just say I have the MOST beautiful sister evvvvvvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrr! Good Grief it's just plain crazy! I know the invitation says to RSVP by June 6th, but you were late in getting me one so here is my RSVP: Will be there in Cardboard (they have a cardboard cut out of me hahahaha!) soooo clever I am (Baaahahaha and she is VERY cute in cardboard too! -J)
-Tony is a guy we met on the street this week. We saw him walking towards us and I was trying to figure out how I was going to approach him and soon enough he is right in front of us (funny how that always happens...) so we stop him and I blurt out, "What's most important to you in your life?!" haha smooth I know... His response sends me for a loop and I wonder if he is mocking me cause he says Jesus Christ. Thankfully Sister Ogden is not has suspicious as I am and asks him why. He has a legitimate reason and THEN says these sweet sweet words "Actually I'm thinking about being baptized, I've never done it before and I think I should." ->please give me a second to pick my jaw up off the ground! I jump on that and get his number and talk about our purpose as missionaries.
Unfortunately we have not yet been able to get a hold of him but as that guy says in that movie my dad made me watch "Never give up Never Surrender!" (Galaxy Quest! -J)
-We had Zone conference! YUSSSSSSSSSSS! I have come to the conclusion that zone conference is better than birthdays and Halloween combined! This time President Scott "explained" the priesthood and church government.... it is sufficient to say that I am a female because there is in no way shape or form that I can handle nor understand the priesthood. Every time the president opened his mouth another nuclear bomb would go off in my head and my mind would be blown again. Haha it was SO funny looking around at all the sisters during his presentation. They all had the same confused and dazed look and all the Elders were sitting forward in their sets trying so hard to piece together this power they hold.
I had another Bizzar moment this week and this one is all about Christine.
So Christine is a girl we ran into on the street who said we could come by and see her.
Side note -> people tend to underestimate the seriousness of missionaries when the we say we will come by tomorrow and this specific time to see them. They always get this really surprised face when they see us knocking on their door. It's priceless!
Anyways, Christine is no different. I think she assumed she would never see us again, but here we are on her door step haha. She lets us in and we find out that she had been reading some of the Book of Mormon that we left her with. We do a little talking to get a feel for her religious background and such and she asks for the church address because she wanted to come check it out on Sunday and then next thing you know she is wrapping up the conversation thanking us for coming to see her.... We had been there for 10 min.
In my head: "Oh no, You can NOT get rid of me that easily!"
So I ask her if she has 20 min for us to talk with her a little about our beliefs etc... and she says yes.
In my head: "Awesome, restoration of the gospel here we come!"
So we start talking with her about how God is her Loving Heavenly Father. We talk for MAYBE 8 min and she starts thanking us again for coming over and starts hinting at us leaving. I refuse to leave without sending a baptismal invitation her way so without further adue(?)....
Me: "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God"
Christine: "Ya"
Me:"We will be holding a baptismal service on June 30th. Will you prepare yourself to be baptized for that date."
Christine: "Ya, let me just right that down."
Me:.... awesome... We'll see you at church....?
->what the heck just happened?!
So that was my week out here in Oakville!
Special shout out to me Paps! You are da best and thank you so much for having the Priesthood :) I miss you a butt load, and I made you breakfast in bed and then ate your breakfast in bed.... but it's the thought that counts ;)
Dad, what the junk is this stuff?! And yes, I eat it.. |
Line of the Week: we are at a members home for dinner
Brother Taylor: "So what did you guys do to prepare for your mission?"
Sister Tofa: "I went out with the missionaries and studied my scriptures and took some classes..."
Brother Taylor: "What about you sister Hall?"
Me: "I watched the best 2 years with my sister who has never served a mission..." (We learned a lot! -J)
Scripture of the Week: Nephi 16: 29
"By small means the Lord can bring about great things."
A Haiku for You:
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