Hoarding Investigators
Man it feels like FOREVER since I have sent an email home!!!!!!!
So life on the mission has been peachy :) a little bit of a roller coaster, but that is life. Before we get into everything, a few shout outs are in order I think :)
Cute Kittens!! |
Shout Outssssssss
To my dearly beloved sister Jillian, I absolutely LOVE the photo Album AND the necklace soooooo no you cannot have it back hahaha. I think I've looked through that album at LEAST 6x's and it still hasnt gotten old.
To the Summers, thank you for the running shoes! They fit great and are WAY cooler than my old running shoes!
As for this week I met some cool people one of them being a girl named Gillian who happened to be baptized by Jeff Spackman.... SAY WHAT!? SOOOOOO cool haha! She had us over for lunch and we got to talking about her conversion story and mentioned the elder who baptized her is from Calgary and lo and behold he comes from the great Spackman line! Anyways she says Hi to the Spackman family :)
I got to ride a bike! BUT safety first!!!! hhahah |
I got to go on an exchange to the great city of Brambladesh (aka Brampton or Little India) hahahaha! I swear there are more East Indians here than there are in actual India! I am so thankful mother for making me go to FFCA. I can now relate to all the people in Brampton. For example, Sister Sunbloom and I were out walking around and came across a few East Indians who were sitting outside. We went over to go talk to them and they quickly give us their chairs, grab us some orange juice and fresh mangos.... Yes I can get used to this! Anyways so we start talking with them and we find out that they are Punjabi so I ask them if their last name is Sing (haha). They get all excited and say that is the mans last name or something, but they were very impressed that the white girl new a thing or two. By the end of our conversation they called me little Indian girl and were convinced that I was Indian. Apparently its my dark hair and my face...?
Something that I didnt anticipate doing on my mission (and I dont know why I didnt think Id face this problem being called to Toronto and all) was having to teach people who's second language is English.... it's like being called to a foreign mission, but never being taught your mission language which makes for some good awkward moments. I now know how to say missionaries, Jesus Christ and prophets in spanish, so I'm pretty much covered to teach the restoration to anyone Spanish and now I'm working on my Tagalog. We found a family to teach who are from the Philippines, well their mom is a member and has been here for a few years and her 4 kids arent members and they have just come from the Philippians 10 months ago. Anyways we are now teaching her 2 daughters Jane (19) and Jenny (14). Jenny has really great English, but Jane is not as comfortable... she kinda looks at us and smiles awkwardly when we ask her a question (doesn't everyone??? :) -J) haha its great! The fist time we went over to their house only Jane was there and Sister Rogers got all excited and started talking a mile a minuet and Jane had to ask her to speak slower.
This Sunday Sam will be baptized!! We have been seeing her every day this week so far and we are spending our p-day with her after we email. She is so humble and full of the spirit and such a wonderful example to me of walking by faith. Meeting her was more of a gift to Sister Rogers and I than I think it was for her to be taught by us haha.
I would like to send out a formal invitation to the Davidson's to come to Sam's baptism :) It will be on the 8th at 1:30pm at the chapel.
Line of The Week: In response to Sister Sunblooms commitment to me to drop some of our 19 investigators
Me: "Ya.... I think I have a problem maybe I'll email the president about it in my weekly email.... 'Dear president, I've got a slight problem.... I hoard investigators'"
Scripture of the week: D&C 6: 7
"Seek not for rights but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich."
A Haiku for You:
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