Alright, it's official, YSA work is the best work! AH! I have tasted of the fruit and I don't desire anything else! As you can probably tell we have had yet another incredible week out here in Stony Kingston YSA!
Jake and Winnie had better suit up this week cause this week is Baptism Week and it aint no time for amateurs haha.... but seriously the week before baptism is not to be messed around with as any missionary who has served and is serving can attest to. However I have all the confidence in the world that they will come out victorious on November 24th. Why you might ask? Simply because they have felt the spirit. They know exactly what God wants and expects of them and they are ready to rise to the occasion! I feel so privileged that the Lord chose Sister Laing and I to teach such choice children. I say choice children because they are seriously SO prepared! God loves them SO much and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for them on their own little journeys!
Winnie has decided that she is going to go ahead and let her parents know about her decision which we are happy about because in the long run I feel that will help them to accept her choice sooner rather than if she had waited till a while after she took the plunge.
->side note- Winnie and Jake pulled a fast one on all us missionaries and some how got us to agree to be the musical number at their baptism.... arg! What I do for our investigators ;)
->side note- Winnie and Jake pulled a fast one on all us missionaries and some how got us to agree to be the musical number at their baptism.... arg! What I do for our investigators ;)
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Anything to break ma fast! (After fast). Thanks Winnie for sending the picture!! |
Chase came to church this week! It was so cute! He was really curious as to what a service would be like but at the same time he suffers from a bit of social anxiety because of his lack of sight which is totally understandable. So we had Steph organize a ride for him for Sunday and he rode in a car with a bunch of YSA. When he got to the church he came over to me and told me with the biggest smile on his face how enjoyable that ride was! He said everyone was so nice and informed us that he was pleasantly surprised thus far and hoped that the rest of church would go just as well.
Not gonna lie, I really hoped so too
Things proved to be going pretty well however when part way through sacrament meeting Chase leaned over to me with, once again, the biggest smile and said something along the lines of, "I don't know what it is but I feel something here. I can't wait for next week".... I had to do all I could not to jump up with excitement!
Things proved to be going pretty well however when part way through sacrament meeting Chase leaned over to me with, once again, the biggest smile and said something along the lines of, "I don't know what it is but I feel something here. I can't wait for next week".... I had to do all I could not to jump up with excitement!
This week Sister Laing and I had the most spiritual lesson I have had yet on my mission.
There is something about Dieter... I haven't been able to quite put my finger on it, but all I know is that Heavenly Father has big plans for him and whenever we meet with him I just have the sense of urgency like Dieter needs to know something. So Dieter exemplifies the qualities of Christ. All he wants in life is to help others and for there to be peace between all people. The main thing that had been holding him back from agreeing to be baptized was that
1. He wanted to explore other churches
2. He was afraid of what the label "Mormon" would do
2. a) he wasn't sure if he could do the most good apart of the church or separate from the church.
Sister Laing and I pondered over these concerns and had the strongest prompting that we NEEDED to teach him the restoration. After the opening prayer I looked at Dieter and told him that the message we had for him today was a message from God, that this is something that God needed him to hear right now and that it would bring to light the answer of why there are so many Christian churches and how he can come to know for himself that this is Christ's one and only true church. Immediately we were all hit with the spirit and for the next 50 min Sister Laing and I unveiled how the purity of the gospel of Jesus Christ was lost after Christ's crucifixion but that through a living prophet called of God the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ was able to be restored to the earth once again. I have never taught with the spirit that strong. Dieter sat the whole time listening intently and we could see the spirit working within him. His countenance began to change and a new light of understanding came forth. Sister Laing ended off telling him that "Mormon" is a label people put on us, but that she never considered herself a "Mormon". She is a daughter of God and, he Dieter, is a son of God and what God wants for him is to follow His son Jesus Christ and to be baptized.... Oh man was it ever powerful! Needless to say Dieter will be baptized on December 7th :D
I am running way short on time so please forgive me!
Sister Hall
Our Sister Training leaders |
The FUN BUN! |
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