Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Oh Happy Day

Oh Happy Day

Transfer News! 
So we got a call last night aaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddd Sister Meata is going to Brampton and I am staying in Guelph and will be TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so stinking excited!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I get to train my last transfer! It's a prayer come true! It's just what I need to keep pushing myself to the very end of my mission :D 

So I don't even know what to write to you all about. All I can think about is how stinking excited I am to be training! 

Let's see, some really great news is that we got feed by Sister Martinez and Sol! They feed us SO much! We have an appetizer THEN we have a bowl of soup THEN we have the dinner! Its a stinking three course event! Anyways we got some wonderful news from them :) Sister Martinez and Sol are getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH! :D I guess since Sol has been taking the lessons Sister Martinez has been thinking more and more about getting married and she said she is ready! The bishop will marry them soon but we aren't sure of a date just yet. 

-> also turns out the melon wasn't wrapped in raw bacon but some italian meat that probably wasn't raw haha

I'm not sure if I have ever talked about Phoenix with you guys but he is a member referral from Shirley Ann. He is soooo kind and has such a strong belief in Jesus Christ. He has struggled with Bisexual tendencies his whole life but still has a great relationship with Jesus Christ which I think is amazing! I look up to him SO much! Within the next week or so we are going to teach him the law of chastity. It will be interesting but I feel like it will go well :) 

Also just a clarification, David has never been sealed, he isnt a member of the church yet, but he was saying that he wants to be sealed to his family. So to Jen and the boys :) 

Ok weeelllll I have to run. Sorry this is so short! We have a ton of stuff we need to get done seeing as we have to leave and be in Brampton by 9 tonight! BAH! 

Spiritual Thought: Light and Darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time therefore when you are unhappy (darkness) think happy thoughts (light) and you will be happy! 

A Haiku For You
spread good news 
the gospel restored 
truth unfold 

This is a story one of the missionaries sharred that happened to them this week :) I though it was super cute and wanted to share it with you all:

"So we were just tracting down this street and these two little girls just started following us around and joking and stuff. They would just like hide behind cars and things while we were talking to these people. Finally we found some guy that we could actually share and in little bit they came up to us and said, " you make people happy. Give us your cards we want to do that too." So we gave them some cards and they went down the street and started knocking on doors by themselves. They would say, "Hello, we are from the church of Jesus Christ and we want to make people happy. Can we give you a card?" It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. They were just tracting and helping people come unto Christ all by themselves. It was definitely a highlight of the week. "

Guelph downtown! We live 2 blocks to the left of the pic

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