Wednesday 16 July 2014



Shout Out! Thank you Sister Brewerton for the Birthday and Christmas present! That was so kind and generous!!! I SO appreciate it! 

Good news everyone! We are staying in Guelph! WHOOT WHOOT!!!! Im super excited to be here so that we can continue to work with our members and investigators. I've developed a unique love for the people here in Guelph that is different from my other areas. I think it comes from having the opportunity to serve the members so much. It really does make a huge difference! Also Sister Tebbs just sent me an email telling me that she got my dream transfer! Toronto YSA! So stinking lucky :) She is going to tear it up! 

Jen and the boys are doing great! David didnt get to come home this week unfortunately because he forgot to fill out some papers.... BUT Jen has been doing a good job of not letting that get her down! Things are starting to get more and more real with this family. Jen talked to the bishop this week about using the church for her wedding on the 9th of August and had a really good talk with him. She has also asked Sister Maeta and I to be her bridesmaids.... 
BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAhAHAHAHHA! I just about died! In fact this was my thought process..."Wait what?! Missionaries as bridesmaids?! Is that even allowed  Does that mean I'll have to get a dress? I hope I don't have to throw her a party... that definitely won't be aloud! hmmm that means free food though..."
I guess it looks like I will be Sister Hall The Bridesmaid coming up pretty soon. Never in a million years did I anticipate being a bridesmaid while I was a missionary! I guess this is Heavenly Fathers way of making it up to me for missing my sisters wedding haha! 

We have been working a lot with Jen this week. We have seen her almost every day. We are working hard to help her develop a spiritual conversion. She has a sincere desire to be baptized but the motivation is more for a new start with her family rather than an "I know this is the true church of Christ" type of a deal. She is having a hard time parting with the traditions of her culture as well. She views the Creator and God as two separate people and we all know that we can't serve 2 masters cause we will love the one and hate the other. We have our work cut out for us but she is open to things and is willing to change so there is lots of hope! 
As we have been teaching her and the boys their eyes have been opened to spiritual truth as well! Just last night we had a really cool experience with Christian. So Christian is the oldest (15 years old) and is more of an introvert so it's hard to get a reading from him. Last night we taught them the doctrine of baptism and we asked them why we get baptized. Christian raised his hand and said, "To get washed away from our sins?" We quickly affirmed that he was right and continued on. Shortly after he put his hand up and asked the golden question! He said: "If we are baptized to be clean from our mistakes, then why was I baptized as a baby? I didn't make any mistakes.." As those sweet, sweet words left his mouth I saw the heavens open and angels singing :) We used 3 Nephi 11 to help him to answer his own question and it was stinking awesome! 

Well before I sign off I just want to give you some food for thought: Believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.. We are agents to act and not objects to be acted upon. We choose to be offended or not. 
-Elder Bednar

Anyways that's all for now! Till next week, stay sweet and , make good choices because that's who you will end up becoming!  

Line of the week: This is at our meet the president meeting..
President Clayton after kissing his wife in front of us: "Kissing is good." 
cue gawking missionaries who dont know what to do or where to look
President Clayton: "WHEN the time is right elders and sisters!" 

Scripture of the Week: Romans 5: 3-4
"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: and knowing that tribulation worth patience; 
And patience, experience; and experience, hope:"

A Haiku For You:
see His face
wrapped in arms of love 
welcome home 

Sister Hall

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