Tuesday 1 July 2014

Serving The Nations

Serving The Nations

Shout Outs! I just wanted to let the Davidson's know that Im praying for them and thinking of them often! Jorgen is home from his mission! I can't believe it! You are only a few hours away from me now! 
I also love the Leavitt's and Im thinking and praying for them as well! Grandma Leavitt is a warrior! 
Kerry, happy birthday!!! I hope it was full of crazy family adventures! 

Another joyous week labouring in the vineyard of Guelph! I dont know what it is about Guelph, but we have been giving more service to members here in the past 4 weeks than I have in my entire mission combined! This week the only days we didnt give service was on Monday and Sunday. It's been wonderful to get to know the members more personally and develop good relationships but all that service didn't leave us adequate time to go and find people to teach. Oops!  This week we will have to spend a ton of time on the pavement to get me back into the swing of things! I got spoiled with all this service and now I've become more lax with my missionary work. :S 

We were able to see Jen and her boys a few times this week! We started teaching them about the restoration but only made it to prophets. It takes some skill to keep 5 people focused on the message haha! The boys all love soccer so we decided to use an analogy to help them understand why prophets are important. We compared prophets to a team captain and Jesus Christ as the coach. The team captain is the one who has the authority from the coach to tell everyone else what plays to do etc.., without the team captain the players wouldnt know what to do and things would get really disorganized! It was fun and the boys enjoyed it. Then we get a text from Jen saying that she would like to stop meeting for now until David, the dad, gets home in August.... We're bummed but what can ya do! 

Later on in the week we were dropping by some formers and we stopped in on one guy named Chico. He was totally Spanish but spoke English. His grandmother on the other had spoke only Spanish and she kept talking to us in her super fast Spanish. I thought it was cool so I tried to have a conversion with her. I was able to say hello, how are you and thank you. I asked her what time it was and then I was at a loss haha! Regardless she was impressed with the little spanish I knew :) 

So Sunday roles around and we get to church and we start greeting some of the members and the next thing I know Brother Gray approaches me and asks me if I will give a 5-7 minute "testimony". Pffft! A 5-7 minuet testimony?! I though a testimony was a simple declaration of truth! I laughed and said I'd love to. 

Side note-> its hard to believe, but up until that day I had only been asked to speak in church ONCE my entire mission AND they gave me time to prepare! I have been spoiled! 

Sister Maeta and I sat down and my mind started racing. What on earth was I going to talk about?! I flipped through my scriptures and got a couple ideas but nothing really stood out to me. Then it came to me! I would talk about Elder Ballard's talk he gave! I started to organize my thoughts a little but before I knew it I was being called to the pulpit. As soon as I got up there my heart calmed right down. I stared off by informing the bishopric what a testimony was and said that instead I would give a spiritual thought followed by a testimony. They had a good chuckle :) I then shared from Preach My Gospel what it means to be diligent and related that to the talk Elder Ballard gave in general conference on the importance of follow up. I then followed up with the members about the commitment an apostle of our Saviour Jesus Christ left each member to start studying Preach My Gospel AND to invite a friend to take the lessons from the missionaries once a quarter (thats 4x's a year) and invited them to take a moment and reflect on how they have been doing with keeping this commitment. I said some more stuff and ended my talk by highlighting the blessings that we receive through the restored gospel: eternal families, salvation, knowledge of who we are and what our relationship is we God, help through our trials, living revelation from a prophet etc... I compared the gospel to a giant chocolate cake and posed the question that if you had this giant delicious cake, wouldn't you want to share it with your friends and family? The ward starts to chuckle and then I hear the bishop behind me say no. I turn around and ask him if he just said no and that got the congregation going :) I ended by reminding the ward that success is not determined by whether or not they accept the invitation but on if we sum up the courage to actually invite them. All the Lord asks is that we do our part and invite. The rest is up to our friends and family. 

After sacrament meeting Sister Maeta and I headed to primary where we were in charge of sharing time AND singing time... oh boy! If only you could have been there with Sister Maeta doing her best to lead the music despite only knowing the songs in French and me acting out all the songs to try and keep the kids focused. It looked more like an interpretive dance than anything! Those poor kids haha!

Well I've got to run! Love you all!  

Line of the Week: Dropping by a former named Jesus...
Sis Maeta: "Hi we are looking for Jesus!"
Jesus with a strange look on his face: ".... thats me..."
-> im trying to keep it together as we talk with him. As we start walking away I turn to Sis Maeta
Me: "...so Sister, in the Spanish culture they dont pronounce Jesus like we do in English..."
Sister Maeta realizes what she did and we both laugh so hard until we can't breathe!

Scripture of the Week: Mosiah 4:27
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster then she has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."

A Haiku for You!
on the fly
let the spirit guide
cant go wrong

Sister Hall

A giant Griffin from Harry Potter! 

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