Hello, my name is Lauren and in just
36 hours I will be set apart as a missionary and will be making my way down to the MTC in Utah to prepare to serve my mission in
Toronto Canada! I am so excited to serve the Lord and his children in Toronto. It has been a rather quick journey. In the summer of 2012 I felt impressed that I needed to serve a mission but wouldn't turn 21 till June 2013 so I had another year till I could do anything about it, that is until October 2012... The age change for female missionaries changed from 21 to 19 which ment I could serve a mission
right then and there! Seeing as I was in the middle of my semester in university, I decided to finish out the semester and then get my papers in as soon as possible. I got my papers in at the very start of February and on February 19th I received my mission call in the mail. I could barely contain my excitement but I would have to for another 6 hours until the rest of my family could be there to open it with me.
Fast Forward 6 Hours
I'm sitting in front of my whole family trying to open my mission call with a butter knife (btw does not work). I finally get my call open and this is what it reads:
"Dear Sister Hall: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Canada Toronto Mission. You should report to the Provo MTC March 27th...."
Wait what!? Did I just read March 27th!!! Thats right folks, I had 5 weeks notice before I would be leaving for 18 months.
Over these past 5 weeks I have worked some but mostly have relaxed and time has flown and here I am just about ready to head out....
Anyways, this blog is dedicated to all my adventures. While I'm gone someone from my family will be up dating it with emails I send home. So tune in every week to see what I have been up to!
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