Monday, 1 April 2013

Going, going, GONE!

Sister Hall is GONE!! I (her beautiful sister) will be updating you on her life and experiences! 

So the parents decided to drive Sister Hall down to the MTC a week before she reported to spend some time with family down there. I flew down for the weekend, seeing as I couldn't get time off work. We had a very hard time keeping Lauren in sight (aka with a "companion"). We would often turn our heads for a moment and Sister Hall would be gone! Off running to see someone or do something. Hopefully she's having an easier time sticking with her companion in the MTC :). While down in Utah, we all went to the Salt Lake Temple where Sister Hall and my mom did a session and my dad and I did baptisms. It was a cool experience being in the SLC temple- it is very old and original, just such a neat temple! Loved it!

Aaaanyways- Sister Hall's best friend Sister Nelson is serving on Temple Square, so my dad and I spent a couple hours trying to track her down while the other 2 were finishing up their session. We had no luck. One of the other Sisters that we were talking to wished us luck and advised us that we would find her if it be the Lord's will. Well that was that for me, I was convinced that we didn't need to do any more running around- the Lord would bring her to us if it was meant to be. So when Sister Hall and mom came out of the temple we starting taking our last family photos...and then Lauren turned her head and spotted Vickie!!! She again took off without a companion and started booking it across Temple Square! By the time any of us caught up with her there were lot's of tears!

Sister, Hall, Sister Nelson and the companion (forgot her name!!!)

Last family photo for a while!!!
Alas, the day arrived for Sister Hall to report. My parents dropped her off at the MTC on Wednesday and could barely squeeze in a hug goodbye before she was off! And she never looked back. Here is her first letter home!!

No turning back...she was so ready to go! Mom wasn't as ready...

Holy Spirit Batman!
Family I am alive and oh so very very well! I am absolutly loving it here at the MTC it's a spiritual over drive and I am ALLLLL over it! I love my district, we have 4 elders (Elder Skyes, Elder Kunz, Elder Willson, and Elder Eretie) and we have 4 sisters (Sister Ormond aka my companion, Sister Rohas, and Sister Lang) AND we are all serving in Toronto. I love them all dearly and we all get along so well, it truly is a blessing. They are all so strong in the gospel and it is wondreful to hear their tesimonies and their insights into the gospel. Let me tell you about my companion sister Ormond, she is AMAZING! She is from utah, she does musical theater, she is so kind and selfless, she is funny and we work oh really well together. Sorry I havent been able to write at all, we only get to write emails on P Days which is Monday for me. Also I leave the MTC April 8th! Thats in a week O o! (that was suposed to be a oh my goodness face)
Anyways let me tell you what I have been up to.
I have been up to a LOT of love. I cannot describe how much I love everyone here at the MTC. It's like all my shallow juding has been tossed out the window. I see people for who they really are, children of a loving Heavenly Father and I admire and respect them for their commitment to serve! In one of the classes I was in we watched some clips from this web site called 1 In 8 Million. It's out of New York City and they interview random everyday people and find out about their life. Nearly every girl in the room was balling by the end! Oh my goodness people have such amazing out looks on life! There was a Grandpa who loves to spend time with his grandchildren and just wants to be in their life, so they go on walks to appreciate the beauty of the parks, the smell of the crisp air in the fall. He said how he doesn't like to tell his grandchildren information, but let them ask questions and then he helps them find the answers. There is so much more about this man I would love to tell you about, but I just don't have time but I strongly advise looking it up! Maybe put a link up on the blog Jill! ( -here's the link1!)

I have also done a TON of learning. I'll share two of my favorite things I have learned so far.
1. "The joy of soaring begins with the fear of falling." 
Look up D&C 124: 18 as a missionary, I am the eagle, I carry people on my wings to God their father. What a wonderful thought!
Now look up Alma 13: 3-4. Have you done it? ok good! I was preordained a missionary before I came to earth. In the pre-earth life I was called as a missionary; I taught and developed the skills necessary to be a good missionary. I was pre-ordained to be a missionary because I had great faith, good works, and made good choices. The Lord doesn't just send anyone to bring His children unto him, these are valient young men and women who he trusts! What a blessing it is for me to know that! I got shivers when I realized this.
2. Read D&C 138 and Abraham 3 and ask Heavenly Father in your prayers tonight what he thinks about you. If you have never done this, I challenge you, especially my family and friends, to do this. Why do we never ask our Heavenly Father what He thinks of us? I am positive He would love to share his thoughts to His children! Also if anyone is having trouble knowing how to discern the spirt, ask the Lord to teach you what it feels like for you to hear and know how the spirit speaks to you. It is so important to develope this attribute and I am more than positive that the Lord would help you to develop it.
3. I had the oportunity to listen to a devotional titled "The Character of Christ" by David A Bednar and holy cow! Dash 1 much?! By far one of the best things I have EVER heard! He talks about how were we all have the tendency to turn in or feed in to the natural man- Jesus Turned Out. Let me give you an example. The Natural Man is compairable to The Cookie Monster.... "I Want Cookie NOW" (Bendar says this in a cookie monster voice and slams the pulpit, I almost die). After suffering for the sins of all the earth, Jesus comes to find that His 3 right hand men, Peter, James, and John have fallen asleep on Him. In his time of deepest humilation, He asks his disciples to stay awake and look out for Him, and they cant do that little thing for Him. On top of this His other disciple betrayed Him, and they are coming to arrest Jesus. He has been betrayed by 4 of His closest friends... fast forward to where Peter cuts off the ear of the guard. Lets take a minute and consider what Jesus has just been through. He has atoned for our sins, has gone through pain that NO human can handle, has bleed from EVERY pore, has been let down by His closest friends and what does He do? Get mad? Ask people to be sorry for him? NO! He heals the ear of the guard that is about to take Him! When He is nailed to the cross is He mad at the people? NO! He asks the Father to forgive them cause they don't understand. When He is hanging on the cross is He complaining about how much pain He is in? NO! He makes sure someone can look after His mother and then does some missionary work! When we turn in, Christ turns out.... We Must All strive to develope this Charater of Christ. Put off the Natural Man people and come unto Christ!  Can I get an AMEN?!
Also sister Ormond and I have been called as Coordinating Sisters, which is like Zone Leaders but for girls..... which means sundays are FULL of meetings -_- I understand what Ben means about loving that God trusts him but hoping that trust never grows haha!
haha well my time is running short and I still have SO much I want to tell you all... I love you guys SO much, I'm sorry to say that I don't miss you though, I know that I am suposed to be here, it is so clear to me that the Lord wants me here. For the next 18 months I will be giving service and helping bring people closer to Jesus Christ their saviour. I am SO lucky to have this opportinity! 
Line Of The Week
Keep in mind, We had been in this class room for a total of 7ish hours, we were up at 6:30, we have been studying the gospel all day, it is now 9:00 pm and we are all EXHAUSTED!
Sister Ormond: Can I help you because She (our teacher) gave us some great advice... she proceeds to give the advice.
Brother Kunz: Wow That is really good!
Sister Ormond ( with a Big Smile on her face): Thats what She Said!!!
wait 10 seconds...... Every Single person is busting a gut just dieing laughing!
After being so serious for so long we just couldn't take it anymore
Anyways I love you all and the Lord does too! AND Jill I am NOT impressed that I had to hear about your engagement from Travis Johnson.... -_-
PS Please send me mails! Everyone is always getting mail here and it makes ya feel GREEEAAAT to know people are thinking of ya :D you can send me FREE mail via Dear Elder and my box number is 55!
 Thanks Mom for the package too!!! It is AMAZING and I have shared a lot of the candy with my district :) which they say thank you too

Sister Hall

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