Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I Didn't Come To See A Grown Man Cry!

"I Didn't Come To See A Grown Man Cry!" 
Hey there everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I have written but I will do my best to redeem myself by filling you all in!
So my last week at the MTC was AWESOME! I absolutely LOVE my district, although we had a habit of getting distracted during independent study and someone would start quoting Nacho Libre "That woman is a nuuuuun!" (said in a very Mexican Jack Black voice) and then inevitably we would start talking about food.....

Elder Kunz is probably my favorite Elder, mostly because he is so ADD that I can't help but laugh at him.

Elder Wilson is SO enthusiastic about the gospel that he scares off and confuses his investigators. For example one of our investigators likes to skateboard so to explain how we have the proper authority to baptize, he goes on this metaphor about him being a pro skateboarding and showing him tricks but not being able to because the pro skateboarder has never skateboarded so he doesnt have the authority....... hahaha! Needless to say we would always DIE laughing when the Elders would came back from a lesson and Elder Wilson would have his head down and his face all red; we would know that he said something stupid and we'd all laugh at him. He's a good sport though, takes it like a man and laughs with us.

I'm pretty sure sister Ormond and I are the worst coordinating sisters ever hahaha! But what is there for us to really do in 9 days?! Nothing but sing apostate music apparently because that seems to happen way to often. But dont worry, we are working on fixing that!

From left to right: Elder Kunz, Elder Aretie, Elder Willson, Brother Lyman ( teacher) Sister Laing, Sister Rohas, Sister Hall, Sister Ormond

Our district!

General Conference was INCREDIBLE! I LOVED Pres. Monsons talk on Obedience! He is such a funny man! When Elder Holland got up to speak every single missionary in the auditorium sat forward in their seat, got out a pen and paper and started taking notes. It was SO funny! After his talk our elders went back to studying Lehi's dream -_- I think they are experts on that now haha! Jokes they really aren't that bad, they are so spiritual and will make amazing missionaries! Guess who I saw at conference???!!! Elder Roberts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it was too sweet seeing him in the MTC! I ran over to him and ALMOST gave him a hug, but dont worry, I was able to stop myself! haha :) He is doing fantastic in the MTC and I know he will be an amazing missionary and I am excited to hear about his adventures in Paris too!

Me and Elder Roberts!

Me and Elder Roberts, what a guy!

 ----> move forward to Monday

So we had to get up at 2 in the morning to get ready for our plane and be at the bus for 3 so we could catch our plane.... Its 3:10 and our elders are no where to be found!! All us sisters are freaking out cause we think they are going to miss their plane, but dont worry they FINALLY come some time later... We get to the Salt Lake airport and go through customs and such, wait in line for security and finally get to the boarding place just in time. We get on the plane and I'm all ready to share the gospel with my seat mate only to find I'm sitting between 2 missionaries -_- So instead I sleep haha! Our lay-over is in Texas (Texas forever, Clear Eyes Full Hearts CANT LOSE!!) oh how I love Friday night Lights! I actually found out Elder Kunz and Wilson also love Friday night lights and that Elder Kunz has a man crush on Tim as well ahaha!
Anyways, we barley make it to our connecting flight, but we all do and I get to sit next to someone who is not a Mormon!! YES! My chance to share the gospel has arrived! This lady is super nice and we talk for nearly the WHOLE 4 hours! I got to share a little about what I believe and she found it interesting so I told her I would email her while I am on my mission! She is the person in charge of the Maple Leafs press stuff or something like that. She told me all about the players, what they are like, the stories she has with them... they all seem like really cool guys and we both decided she would have to hook me up with one of the players named Tyler...... in other words I'm sorry Uncle James but GO LEAFS!!! hahaha! She said that she would tell the boys a mormon missionary told them good luck and is praying for them so I'm pretty sure they are all going to be converted, NBD.

Our super attractive Elders at the airport -_-

Me and my comp!

So we get to the mission home and President Scott is AWESOME!!!! He has such a presence and way about him, I would NEVER want to get on his bad side! At the mission home we had dinner, had personal interviews, and shared our testimonies. In my interview with him he asked me about my family and I couldn't stop talking about how wonderful my mother is, how she is such an amazing example to me and how strong she is in the church :) The testimonies were sweet and the spirit was SO strong! After that though we all went back to the hotel and stayed the night.
Next morning we go back to the mission home and have breakfast, learn some stuff, do some more stuff, and then get our companions! AHHHHHHHHHH! I was the second person and first sister to get a companion and I got SISTER WILLIAMS!!! This is Alex's sister!!! She is awesome and is teaching me SO much! If I could describe her as an apostle she would be Elder Holland. VERY obedient, very black and white, OCD about how she wants lessons to go, and has control issues haha but we get along great! She is an amazing teacher and SO powerful in her conviction and I feel so blessed to have her as a companion. 
---> since then
Missions are HARD. Everyone kept telling me that, but now I actually get it! However, I am loving what I am doing! Sister Williams and I do a lot of OYMing (open your mouth). We go out on the street and talk with anyone who comes across us, we have even followed people to the other side of the street after they try to avoid us MWAHAHAHAHA! It's pretty funny! We actually met our investigator doing that. His name is Lesli and he agreed to meet with us to learn more about the church and find out if there really is a God. We met him on I believe it was a Wednesday and then we taught him on Friday and committed him to read the Book of Mormon, Pray, Come to Church and be baptized on May 5th. He agreed to all of them, but if we are going to get him ready to be baptized by May 5th, we have some work cut out for us. He hasn't really been reading his Book of Mormon, but he did come to church with us! Unfortunately it was fast and testimony meeting..... One man broke down crying, one guy talked about his time in jail and how he got raizered 3 times, and women just rambled. Thankfully Sister William's saved the day and bore a GREAT testimony and thankfully Lesli wasn't really listening to the others. The ward has done a great job of fellowship him. Lots of people came up and introduced themselves to him and asked him questions and such. We have a few other investigators but I'm running out of time so I will have to tell you about them at a later date. 
I LOVE the ward! They are awesome! I'm really loving the Hillman's; they have feed us twice AND they are sarcastic just like the Roberts :) its almost like being home! P.S. Thank you SO much Chris and Kerry for the cookies! They were SOOOOO good! I am also loving the Gallacher's. They are really fun and easy going. People are feeding us lots and the weather has been rainy, but not too bad. 
Line Of The Week:
After sacrament meeting a man comes up to sister Willson and I and gives us a piece of advice:

"Never bring investigators to fast and testimony meeting! Quite frankly I hate this meeting, it's stupid. I didn't come to church to see a grown man cry! I don't know why they let these loonies get up there!" 
Another Member describes it as "Mormon version of an open mike night" That was Brother Hillman and we had a real good laugh over that one

I've realized that I haven't included many spiritual experiences in this letter and I'll be sure to correct that for the future, but I love you all!
Anyways, the Lord loves you all, be humble and pray often!
Love Sister Hall



These are elders from our Zone who are going to Cali, they quite enjoyed our canadian humor and good looks so they wanted a picture with us..... hence the moose ears mwahahahaah

All the sisters going to toronto from our zone are pointing to Toronto, but sister Ormond and I are pointing else where ahaha we didnt even plan that one, just being a couple goofs. We are too much alike :D

Me and Ang!

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