Tuesday 4 February 2014

Herding Sheep and Testimonies

Herding Sheep and Testimonies

Alright! So lots have happened this week as it has been the first week we have been able to work in our area full time in about a transfer. It has been Wonderful :)

Sister Taylor is the bread to my butter (except she is gluten free..) She is pretty much my twin. We are both loud and a little crazy and I think we will be getting along just fine :) Sister Taylor just came from downtown Toronto a.k.a TONS of people on the street, buses, street cars, and subways. In other words contacting is her thing haha. She is so much fun to go out with cause she is absolutely fearless! We have done a lot more bus contacting this past week which I didn't care for at first but have grown to appreciate.

We have an new/old investigator named Ian. He is freaking awesome! So the reason why he is new/old is because before the elders were teaching him but since they left, they handed him over to us. He goes to Queens and is a YSA so I'm not sure why we weren't teaching him from the start... anyways, Ian is very logical and sceptical. He is an engineer and takes physics on the side. OMPH! Since the elders have started teaching him he has made a TON of progress! He is now at 32% that he believes in God and he said once he reaches 50.0001% he will get baptized. I think Ian will really test my skills as a missionary and I am excited to work with him!

Will hasn't been to church for a little over a month so this week we really hit home that he needed to not only come to church BUT that he also wasn't aloud to sit at the back and that he had to sit up in the front with us. So Sunday roles around and Sister Taylor and I are waiting patiently for him to show up. He walks in late and was about to sit down in the back but I threw a couple daggers at him with my eyes and he made his way up to sit with us (hahaha) then Mavric, one of the members we are working with, came and sat next to Will!!!!! Score! :) It was fast and testimony meeting and we were all sitting there when I leaned over to Will and told him to go up and share his testimony. He laughed and said no way. I told him that if he went up I would.... This intrigued him. He considered the offer and accepted. In order for me to get to the pulpit I had to pass over both Will and Mavric so I stood up looked at both of them and ushered them out of the bench haha! I walk behind both of them as we made our way up to the front (it must have looked so funny, this little white girl herding these 2 men up to bear their testimonies). When we got on the stand I thumped Will's back to encourage him to go to the stand and then he said in a loud voice, "Nah women first." The congregation laughed so I went to bear my testimony. After I was all finished and sitting down there was a pause as Will and Mavric debated on who would go first. Finally Will got up. He bore a sweet testimony about the peace he feels from reading the scriptures, testified that Joseph Smith was a prophet and then sat down, all without looking up once :) It was so sweet my heart melted a little.

I have a really good feeling about this transfer. I know the Lord has a lot in store for little old Kingston and I am excited to learn all I can :)

Scripture of the Week: Jacob 4: 14
"But behold, the Jews were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God heath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble."

A haiku For YOU:
coldest in 20 years
what the heck


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