Monday 5 May 2014

Get Out Of Canada

Get Out Of Canada

Well hello family and friends! Another wonderful week out in the mission field to report on, BUT first some business to take care of. 

Shout Outs:
My dad is becoming an old fart this week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Mothers day is coming up and I have the best mother EVER so I'll be getting to celebrate that whoop whoop! 
Thank you to the canyon creek young women! I loved the chocolate and nuts and the card was so sweet :)

I've had a lot of people ask me why I would go on a mission and miss my own sisters wedding. This is a good question and one that I couldn't quite answer at first. My dad shared with me an experience this week where someone asked why I wasn't allowed to come home for her wedding and he got a little stumped as well and did his best to explain why, but wasn't sure if his answer satisfied the person. Now if I were to be asked this question I'd have the answer for them. A missionary is a person who leaves their family temporarily so that others can be with their family for eternity. Its a big calling and is one of eternal importance. 

As for this week, Sister Shurtliff and I had lots of fun walking around in the rain because it is so much better than snow HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. Mom sent me pictures of all the snow you guys are getting. Welcome to Alberta eh! 

We weren't able to see Amanda again this week.... she told us that she is still out of town, but she did tell us she has been reading and praying. We just hope she isn't avoiding us. Its a rare occurrence but it happens once in a while to us missionaries ;) On that note we also haven't been able to see Danielle haha HOWEVER we have gotten to see Scott and he is doing really good! We had a lesson with him with one of our members Brother Broadley and he pretty much ran the show. We focused on CPR (church, pray, read) and how that was the key to receiving his answer. Brother Broadley did a wonderful job of testifying how the gospel has blessed him and his family and how as much as he would love to give Scott all the answers, Scott needs to find them himself. It was powerful and the spirit was very strong. We had high hopes that he would make it out to church but he didn't... Theres always next week though! Maybe we will have to cook him breakfast.....

So as per usual we had lots of tender mercies this week. I've come to realize that Heavenly Father is teaching me patience and real charity. Want to know how I've come to know this? It's because I've been praying for it! Rookie mistake! The peoples' hearts have been a LOT harder then usual lately. Like usually people will entertain us and answer our questions and take a card but now a days people do more of an exasperated yell and wave their hands around and throw our card down (it's kinda amusing). Anyway this week we had interviews and I expressed some of my feelings of frustration to President and he advised me to focus more on turning out and be more selfless. I took his advice and the very next day we knocked on a door of a lady. The first thing she said to me was that she was sorry for being so rude to me on the bus the other day but that her grandson had been in the hospital. WOW! I don't even remember this lady but what a nice thing to have someone apologize to me :) She even said that we could come back and visit her :) 

Lastly, just a few hours earlier today Sam and Jorden (my very first converts back in Oakville) came up to take Sister Shurtliff and I out for lunch! It was SO wonderful to see them! My heart was over joyed and I couldnt stop smiling. In fact, my face hurts from smiling SO much! They have been doing really well and Sam's husband Shawn has been taking the discussions. Jorden is going to the temple for the first time tomorrow! I am SO excited for him :D Also Sam told me about her trip to Calgary where she attended the Canyon Creek ward! WHAT WHAT! She said that the people were SO friendly and she felt SOOOO welcome that if she were to move to Calgary she would HAVE to move into the Canyon Creek ward :D You all make me so proud

Well thats all for now! Dont forget to follow up and if you have no one to follow up on then go commit someone to do something! 

Love you all! 


Line of the Week: While Sister Shurtliff and I are walking down a street
Random guy from a car: "Get Out Of Canada!!!"
Me: "Did that guy just tell us to get out of Canada?"
Shurtliff: ".... I think he did..."
We both look at each other and die laughing! Little does he know we are both from Canada ;) 

Scripture of the Week:  D&C 50: 23-25
"And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continuity in God, receiveth more light; and that light growth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you;...

A Haiku for YOU:
dear president scott
to every time a season
our last interview 

Sister Hall

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